R&D Unplugged

R&D Unplugged

A chat with researchers about the real-world impact of their work on “Learning Transitions”

Learning Planet Institute

Welcome to "R&D Unplugged", a podcast from the Learning Planet Institute that delves into the real-world impact of research. Each episode features an insightful conversation with a leading researcher who shares their journey, key findings, and the practical implications of their work. Our aim is to make complex research accessible and relatable. How research addresses critical global challenges, providing concrete examples of its impact on society? Listen to us and gain valuable insights into how research bridges the gap between theory and practice, transforming lives and communities! Through engaging stories and clear explanations, "R&D Unplugged" demonstrates the vital role of research in solving real-world problems. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply curious about the world, our podcast offers a unique perspective on how research drives positive change. Join us and be inspired to see how research can make a difference!

En cours de lecture

#4 Childism - Do we really love children? - with Laelia Benoit

Although we like to believe that we care about children and their future, studies on climate change and children's mental health reveal that their concerns about the planet and their actions are often undermined.

In this episode we will discuss with Laelia Benoit how childism, the prejudice against children, is prevalent in our daily lives. Additionally, we will discuss ways to become more aware of this issue, address childism as it occurs, and collaborate with children to overcome stigma and empower them to drive change.

En cours de lecture

#3 Filtering Fact from Fiction: Source Evaluation in the Age of Societal Transitions - with Mônica Macedo-Rouet

Given the vast amount of information currently available on the internet and the spread of fake news and other types of disinformation, source evaluation has become a key competence for all users. But what is exactly “source evaluation” and why/when should users perform it? How do reading literacy theories define this construct?

Together with Mônica Macedo-Rouet, we delve into the findings of empirical studies on users’ sourcing behavior in this episode, arguing that sourcing may vary depending on the context of information seeking. With this perspective, Mônica suggests topics for discussing the creation of educational interventions aimed at teaching sourcing skills to adolescents.

En cours de lecture

#2 Education beyond the Human - with Iveta Silova

We live in a moment of epochal precarity, amidst irreversible environmental catastrophe that is impacting all life on Earth. Signaling the end of human exceptionalism, this era calls for an urgent redefinition of what it is to be human and a reconfiguration of the relationship between human and Earth.

With Iveta Silova we discuss how education should respond to a world of shifting planetary boundaries, collapsing ecosystems, and emerging visions? What education policies, practices, and pedagogies can help re-situate the human within the relational flow of life where everyone and everything – both human and non-human – are deeply interconnected? How can we learn to responsibly encounter and fully engage with a more than human world?

En cours de lecture

#1 Social Media, Algorithms and Politics: Lessons from Research and Challenges for Policy - with Pedro Ramaciotti-Morales

In this first interview, we discuss with Pedro Ramaciotti-Morales about the ever-evolving landscape of social media, online politics, and algorithms. From elections to individual opinions, we've heard it all - polarization, segregation, algorithmic manipulation. But as new studies emerge, our understanding has shifted over the years.

Let's explore the changing narratives and hypotheses surrounding social media's impact on politics and democracy. By tracing the history of these debates, we uncover where our focus should lie in advancing our understanding and shaping governance systems that serve society's best interests.

En cours de lecture

R&D Unplugged, the podcast!

Through engaging stories and clear explanations, "R&D Unplugged" demonstrates the vital role of research in solving real-world problems. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply curious about the world, our podcast offers a unique perspective on how research drives positive change. Join us and be inspired to see how research can make a difference!